Welcome to Southern Local
Final Forms
Southern Local Schools forms for the 2024-25 school year will be online. If you are a parent with a returning student, please use your existing parent portal login to complete or update your student(s) forms at this time.
If you are new to Southern Local or are enrolling your student for the first time as Southern Local, please complete the online forms by creating a new account by clicking on the link below.
Guides for accounts for parents with students currently attending Southern Local and new students are provided below.
Click on the picture for the Final Forms Website.
Click on the Current Student Parent or New Students Parent to view the guide to set up and complete the online forms.
If you need assistance with Final Forms or the enrollment process, please contact the Administrative Building at 330-679-2343 ext. 4200
Thank you!
Final Forms Registration Documents
Kindergarten Enrollment
Enrollment dates: March 3 - June 6
Where: Southern Local Elementary Office during school hours (9am-4pm) April 16 - 21 Spring Break no office hours.
Enrollment Requirements:
- Child's Birth Certificate
- Proof of residence
- Immunization Records
- Parent/Guardian Photo ID
- Custody Documents (if any)

Preschool Registration is now open. Please complete the information in the link below to indicate your interest in enrolling your child into the Preschool Programming here at Southern Local for the Fall of 2025. Spots are limited and will be filled on a first come first serve basis beginning with 4 or 5 year old students. Once you have completed the link below, Mrs. Sampson will contact you in May to begin the registration process. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Sampson, Preschool Coordinator at the Administration Offices at 330-679-2343 ext. 4203 or by email at kristy.sampson@slindians.org . Please make sure to leave your name, child's name, and contact phone number.
Thank you!
Families interested in open enrollment to Southern Local Schools may contact the Superintendent's Office to obtain open enrollment information. Please contact Mrs. Tammy Phillips at 330-679-2343 ext. 4003 or by email at tammy.phillips@slindians.org.
Documents Needed to Enroll Open Enrollment Student
Contact Mrs. Tsesmilles in the Admin building to make an appointment. To contact Mrs. Phillips call 330 679-2343 ext. 4003
Before your appointment please collect the following information to bring with when registering your child/children.
1. Previous school information including the phone number.
2. Proof of residency: utility bill, rent/mortgage receipt)
3. Child's/Children's Birth Certificate
4. Custody Documents (if applicable)
5. Child's/Children's IEP (if applicable)
6. Shot records
December 1, 2023
The full financial report for the Southern Local School District has been completed and is available for public inspection at the Treasurer's Office located at 38095 State Route 39, Salineville, OH 43945.
Employment Opportunities
Full Time Bus Driver

February 20,2025
The Southem Local School District is looking for a School Psychologist for the 2025-2026 school year. This is for 1.0 FTE and must have a Master's or Doctoral degree in School Psychology from an accredited program. Job Description is attached.
Submit a letter of interest and resume to Andrew Vulgamore at
andrew.vulgamore@slindians.org. For more information , please contract Andrew at330-679-2344 ext 4059. Deadline to apply is February 26,2025.
Safety Information
Tip line
Provided through the Department of Public Safety is a:
- 24/7 hotline
- Anonymous reporting
- Text or Call feature
- Trained analysts receive the texts/calls
- Anyone can report: students/parents/teachers/administrators
- All tips are reported to the Ohio Safety Center and Ohio Department of Education
The Safer Ohio Tip Lines allows anonymous sharing of information with school officials and law enforcement about threats to student safety. This includes:
- Bullying and harassment incidents
- Self-harm or suicidal sentiments
- Unusual/apprehensive behavior of students or staff
- Verbal or written threats observed toward students, faculty, or schools
- Weapons/suspicious devices on or near school grounds
- Drug and alcohol usage/possession on school premises
- Alarming social media observations
- Any other school safety related concerns
Call or Text

The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7, free, and confidential support to Ohioans in a mental health crisis. Ohioans can call or text “988” to reach a trained specialist for help and support.
Contact 988ohio@mha.ohio.gov for questions about the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
Upcoming Events
4:00 PM
To find out more about The RedZone, visit their website at: https://www.theredzoneoh.com
"T.R.I.B.E" (Trust - Respect - Integrity - Belief - Excellence)
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
"Creating Confident Communicators and Problem Solvers to serve as productive members of Society."